For those of you who didn't pay attention in your social studies classes, Karneval (Carnival in english of course) is celebrated in many different countries as a precursor to lent and a time of fasting. Basically the idea is, lets have a weeklong party before lent and be really bad just to get it out of our systems. Sounds like a fun time right? Karneval is notably celebrated in Brazil, Venice, New Orleans, and of course Cologne and the Rheinland area of Germany!
Enough background, lets move along to the tasty center of this blog.
Well, this is where the Madness all began on "Weiberfastnacht"..Which basically translates into Women's Karneval night, but the guys celebrate as well!
Since Karneval is such a big deal here in Cologne, we get school off from friday untill tuesday, with a big Karneval party being held on Thursday.
Of Course I was up nice and early putting on my "Roman" costume, since everyone is dressed up like halloween!!
After our school party, I hopped on a train with a bunch of friends and headed downtown. Cologne during Karneval is an insane experience; you are surrounded by crazy drunk people, loud music, and cops in full riot gear! Yet everyone seems to have a good time! We all went to a square in the middle of the bustling oldtown area to celebrate!
Of Course, I left my jacket on the whole time...this warm Arizona blood is not used to temperatures under 40 degrees!
After the madness there was over, we met up in a huge party tent for the evening karneval celebrations...For the record, I'm not really sure where the hat came from, but it was there!
At that point, it was like 1 a.m., and we had been celebrating since 7 a.m., I was pretty pooped out to say the least. I think I slept until 2 or 3 the next day!
During all of this, the kids were off doing their dreigestirn duties all over the City!
Well I'd love to tell you all how exciting friday was, but the problem is I slept through about half of it...oops
However I did go to a nice little celebration with our youth group from the local church.
Another big day! Hylary, a friend of mine from language camp arrived to spend a few days in Cologne, and to celebrate Karneval with us! Right after football practice (yes I play football now that the rugby season is over, more to come later!) I grabbed her from the train station, and we were off to another party tent!! For lots of singing and celebrating of Karneval!
AND! there was a small costume change at this point! I ended up throwing on a swimsuit and a beach hat and going as the "Arizona Man" since thats something costume worthy across the atlantic!
Sunday was a great day! First we were off in a different villiage watchig a parade. Then came a huge Costume ball in our villiage, and for the first time during Karneval, I got to spend time with my little german brothers!
They were in full Dreigestirn regalia, but we had a fun time mixing things up!
The two little girls you see all dressed up are always the the Dreigestirn, the are called paginnen and are like litte cheerleaders (ok a little bit of a stretch there) for the three boys
Monday was the big fun day in our little villiage where we had our Karneval parade!
All good things must come to an end, even Karneval. Hylary left early tuesday morning, and I spend the day in Pulheim (where I go to school) watching the parade, and celebrating a great week!
And thats all folks!!
I hope you enjoyed it! I know I had a great time (although I've still got a splitting headache), and it was a once in a ifetime experience!
I'll leave y'all with two pics.
1. The Best beer ever poured
2. our little prince is a little tired!
Till next time!!
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