Or so we say here in Cologne during the Karneval season! For those of you that arent familiar with Karneval (Carnival in english), it is the time leading up to lent and Easter. It is taken pretty seriously here in Germany, Cologne especially. It begins officially on 11.11 (11 being a "special" number for Karneval, for whatever reason), but the main celebrations take place during the week before ash wednesday...So cultural lessons aside, Karneval is a big deal here. There is actually a significance to that little lecture...but that will come little later. So read on and stay tuned!!
Something we never see in Arizona...something I never expected to see in Cologne! Everyone I know here always said that it never snows here, and WHEN it does it is only a little bit. So imagine my suprise when I woke up to see...
And here is after a little shovelin!
and some more from our winter wonderland...
And here is Hubert the host dad sliding across a frozen lake....funny story about that, we were all strolling about on this frozen lake in Cologne when we heard a loud"CRACKKK"...luckily it was only a shift in weight. Needless to say, it scared the crap out of me, and I was off that lake quicker than you could say Donaudampshiffarhtsgesellschaftskapitänsmützenband. And yes that actually is a word in German, believe me.
So a huge coldfront moved in and basically took Cologne hostage. Out temperatures are nearing 5 degrees fahrenheit, its nuts. This Arizona boy is having a rough time!
Anyways back to karneval, the triplets are what we call a Dreigestirn. Direct translation is "trifolium", it is a colonian Karneval tradition. It involves three men (or boys in the triplet's case ) ornately dressing up as a prince, a young girl, and a farmer. This group represents the village throughout the karneval season. It is a big deal where over 10000 euros can be spent. Anyways, we had our first set of "gigs" the other day, which basically entails travelling to other villiages' karneval parties and making appearances and such. It is tough to explain the significance of what the Dreigestirn is, one really has to experience it. Anyways, it is basically a big party, where fun is had by all. Singing, dancing, and drinking are extremely important! So here are a few pics from the festivities. Im in one or two pics as well, because I get all dressed up and help out! Enjoy
One of the cool things about Cologne is the Kölsche dialect. Basically a different form of German that is only used in Cologne. Normally people speal "high german" in everyday life, but during karneval or anything traditionally colonian, the people revert to the beloved Kölsche Sproch! here is a little example first in englisch, then german, then kölsch. Its also the motto for the triplets in their Dreigestirn!
E: Three times from the heart, from three funny kids
D: Dreimal von dem Herz, drei verrückte Kinder
K: Dreimul vun Hätze, Drei jecke Fetze
So as you all can see, its a pretty interesting situation here during Karneval, and I must say, its a blast! Thats All Ive got for today
And here is a photo that doesnt even need a translation!
Tschüß Zesamme!!
1 comment:
Great post Mark, you made Mom's birthday (which is good since I didn't)
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